50% Technical Instruction Online
50% Practical Operation in School
Best Manicuring School in Los Angeles
Time Required: 600 Hours.
Classes: Morning.
Days Part Time: Tuesday & Thursday (9 am-3:15 pm).
Days Full Time: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday (9 am-3:15 pm).
Cost: $11,262.55 (including tuition, kit, books, uniform, and taxes for all classes).
Financial Aids: Available for Qualified Candidate.
Class Starting: Open Enrollment.
Questions: Call (818) 280-4898.
Detailed Instructional Schedule per Course/Program:
Our institution reserves the right to modify schedules as deemed necessary. Students and staff members will be notified before any changes that may occur.
The curriculum for students enrolled in the manicuring course shall consist of six hundred clock hours of technical instruction and practical operations. Technical instruction means instruction by demonstration, lecture classroom participation, or examination. Practical operation means the actual performance by the student of a complete service to another person. All students are required to pass the school’s final examination with a grade of not less than 85%. Technical instruction and practical operations for the manicuring program shall include the subjects outlined below.
The curriculum for students enrolled in Manicuring course shall consist of six hundred (600) clock hours of technical instruction and practical operations covering all practices of a nail care. Technical instruction means instruction by demonstration, lecture classroom participation, or examination. Practical operation means the actual performance by the student of a complete service on another person. All students are required to pass the schools final examination with a grade of not less than 85%. Such technical instruction and practical operations shall include:

Disinfection and Sanitation: |
10 |
Full Set
50 |
Water & Oil Manicure |
40 |
White Tips |
50 |
Completer Pedicure |
20 |
Advance Acrylic |
100 |
Acrylic |
80 |
Acrylic |
100 |
Nail Tips |
60 |
Reflexology and foot massage |
20 |
Nail wraps and repairs |
40 |
Fill out your application today and start your education journey.
Laws and Regulations 10
Shall include the Board of Barbering and Cosmetology Act and the Program’s Rules & Regulations.
Manicure and Pedicure 60
Shall include water and oil manicures, hand and arm massage, complete pedicure, foot and
ankle massage, electric nail files, nail design, nail tips, nail wraps and repairs, nail analysis, and
application of artificial nails including liquid, gel, and powder brush-on.
Bacteriology, Anatomy, and Physiology 10
Shall include bacteriology, anatomy, physiology, and nail analysis and conditions.
Health and Safety Considerations 20
Shall include training in manicurist chemicals, material safety, data sheets, and protection from
hazardous chemicals and preventing chemical injuries, health and safety laws and agencies,
ergonomics, and communicable diseases, including HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis B.
Disinfection and Sanitation 20
Shall include procedures to protect the health and safety of the consumer as well as the
Nail Diseases, Disorders, and Podiatry 15
Reflexology and Foot Massage 20
Additional Training 31
Shall include communication skills, professional ethics, salespersonship, decorum, record
keeping, client service, record cards, preparing a resume, employment development, modeling,
and desk and reception.
What is the total cost of the Manicuring program?
The cost of each ICBAS program varies depending on the length of the course and the cost of the course’s materials. The total cost of Manicuring program (including tuition, kit, books, uniform, and taxes) is as follows:
MANICURING 600 Hours For $11,262.55
Laws and Regulations 10
Shall include the Board of Barbering & Cosmetology Act and the Program’s Rules & Regulations.
Manicure and Pedicure 60
Shall include water and oil manicures, hand and arm massage, complete pedicure, foot and ankle massage, electric nail files, nail design, nail tips, nail wraps and repairs, nail analysis, and application of artificial nails including liquid, gel, and powder brush-on.
Bacteriology, Anatomy, and Physiology 10
Shall include bacteriology, anatomy, physiology, and nail analysis and conditions.
Health and Safety Considerations 20
Shall include training in manicurist chemicals, material safety, data sheets, protection from hazardous chemicals and preventing chemical injuries, health and safety laws and agencies, ergonomics, and communicable diseases, including HIV/AIDS & Hepatitis B.
Disinfection and Sanitation 20
Shall include procedures to protect the health and safety of the consumer as well as the technician.
Nail Diseases, Disorders, and Podiatry 15
Reflexology and Foot Massage 20
Additional Training 31
Shall include communication skills, professional ethics, salespersonship, decorum, record keeping, client service, record cards, preparing a resume, employment development, modeling, and desk and reception.
Fill out your application today and start your education journey.